⏱ TimeLine
Gran Telescopio de Canarias, S.A. (GRANTECAN)
August 2022 - Present
Responsible for the design, creation and maintenance of an application for the analysis of the data and images obtained by the telescope.
For the development of the work, I have used the following technologies.
- Lenguajes de programación de bajo nivel (C/C++)
- Python for image analysis using libraries like Numpy, Pandas, Scipy, AstroPy, etc.
- Docker for the creation and deployment of containers
- Github and GitLab (GIT) and Continuous Integration
- Creating Pipelines for data reduction using Numina
Fred Olsen Express
June 2022 - August 2022
My work as a Data Engineer was the monitoring and analysis of the data obtained from the ships, using the following technologies:
- Apache AirFlow: Installation, maintenance and administration. In addition to the creation of different DAGs.
- Python: Programming using data analysis libraries: Pandas, Numpy, Folium, etc.
- Creation of an application for data visualization: Using API REST, FastAPI, ReactJS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and libraries such as Bootstrap and Leaflet
- Installation and administration of Linux Virtual Machines
Through a scholarship obtained by the General Foundation of the University of La Laguna.
Cabildo de Tenerife
November 2021 - January 2022
External practices of the university. Responsible for the design, development and pre-production of a Full Stack application for data processing and visualization (Big Data) of vehicle capacity for the Cabildo de Tenerife using Django (Python), React (JavaScript) and Bootstrap.